Perfect Storm - Roofing & Solar - A Natural Fit

Perfect Storm - Roofing & Solar - A Natural Fit

Almost every home can benefit from the power of the Sun. It's a natural and abundant resource and the stars have finally aligned to render it almost a no-brainer. While solar has long been a solution for the environment, solar has now become a significant economic benefit to home owners. With steeply rising energy costs, we've all been persuaded to look more closely. The incentives, benefits, financing, and quality of products all combine to make the next ten years the decade of solar. Every month one delays to go solar, is another loss-mounting month against the gains they could have realized had they already installed solar. Over the last four decades solar panel manufactures have significantly improved the quality and reduced the costs to getting these products to market. The quality and state of the art of todays solar panels combined with the low cost financing and rising energy cost force the natural conclusion that solar is here to stay. 

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